Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Breakfast Club dancing to "The Pinbacks"

If you hate most music like I do pick up the latest Pinback album Autumn of The Seraphs. It is good eats.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Portrait 9976FF3X

munkind_finich, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Portrait of my girlfriend. Painter X. Artists Oils, Grainy Blender.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


cantsee, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

self portrait. Bakersfield, 2011.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Verdugo Monthly cover shazammed

check it out:



yay me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


mattsketch_flckr, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

A character design based on my friend Matt.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Southland Tales

Justin Timberlake watches a movie plot get sucked into the fourth dimension in Richard Kelly's "Southland Tales"

Saw Southland Tales today in Pasadena, could one of you geniuses please explain this movie to me because I was too dumb to figure out anything beyond the fact that there were a lot of song lyrics used as dialog, and a lot of winks and nods to other cult movies(like his own Donnie Darko, Repo Man, Fight Club, Suicide Circle, Adaptation, Starship Troopers, and a bunch more that I can't remember right now).

In fact most of the stuff I remember after watching the movie are clever cutie-pie moments that seem designed to create another cult movie like the ones he is paying homage to.

Like a lot of the people who are saying this movie isn't very good I am a Donnie Darko fan. Unlike Donnie Darko though, this movie doesn't work using the "Interpret your own ending" technique. The story leading up to the strange ambiguous ending in Darko holds up on its own. At the end of that movie I was hoping that things would turn out well for Donnie and when they didn't I was sad.

There is no character that we feel any kind of attatchment to or sympathy for at the end of this movie.

I wanted to like the movie and there are funny moments in it, but if someone could kindly explain the meaning of the ending, or even the middle or the beginning to me I could switch sides on this thing. You know, hop back on board the Richard Kelly is Brilliant Express.

Until I get the Cliff Notes for this it recieves 99 out of 100 stars. (more stars is worse)


The internet arguments by movie nerds about this seem to be divided into two major camps: people who didn't understand the movie and didn't like it, and the people who didn't understand but liked it anyway. My prediction is already coming true, legions of douchebags pretending to "get" the film in order to seem cool.

Problem is that I have yet to see a proper explanation or breakdown of the plot.

Maybe all the explanatory storytelling is in the Cannes version of the film? Apparently the version most of us are seeing in theaters is missing almost half an hour of footage. (involving Kevin Smith and Janeane Garofalo's characters)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey a music video

I directed and edited this video for my friends they are very nice okay except for Mike Acosta, he is mean. They are this band here. Electro Fever, catch it.


snowglobe_001_flat, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

This is a concept for a possible cover art assignment for Verdugo Monthly Magazine. I hope they like it and I hope I get the job because I need the dough, ya herd.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ashley Wood

I'm adding a link to Ashley Wood's Blog. He is a badass artist from australia. He likes to paint robots and sexy girls, and he is very, very good at it.

Here is Ashley's Regular website, buy his artbooks and coffee mugs.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm just sayin'...

Watched The Road Warrior saturday night with my sister and I made this observation:

I had such high hopes for that Feral Kid... Oh well.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fred Armisen on Best Show


Fred Armisen being funny on The Best Show on WFMU can be heard by clicking the above link. Fast forward through the music if you must.

Also tune out after he stops doing the drummer character, the show turns into an ass kissing tournament.

docter turtl

legs, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Lokk at dis turtel i droew

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hooks In


I love MMA. I watch it constantly. One of my flickr friends is a fighter/photographer from england named Lee Whitehead. This painting was done using one of his photos as a reference:


Friday, October 26, 2007

Morning Masume

MorningMasume, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Image of The Day

Image of The Day, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

My Lovebots painting got Image of The Day honors at ImagineFX.com today. They have a great magazine going on over there, I am proud about this.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

complaining octopus

Friday night experimenting with textures on a friday night like any red-blooded young american male on a Friday night.

Hoping to get some quality artworks time going on this weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

box of hell

boxofhell, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

another chef i don't know why, ratatoey maybe? i haven't seen the movie but i have been seeing the artwork everywhere. I know I spelled it wrong.

Minimum Effort, Maximum Results (ART!)

Check out the skill level required to make a living as an artist in england:


What is art? I don't know. Is that guy's autistic doodling art? It is. Of course it is. He is making the drawings and paintings and (apparently)people are buying them and hanging them on walls. Yes, he never bothered to learn how to draw, yes his drawings have very little detail and seem to require almost no time or effort, but enough people like them that he is able to sell prints and paintings. Does commercial success equal art? I don't know.

My goal is to become good at the kind of art I like. I want to be able to cartoon like Jamie Hewlett and paint like Shelly Wan.

I may never get there but I will keep trying.

Hit Counter

6 hits in 2 days. My blog is finally catching on!

In order to spice things up and get more hits I will start adding "interesting" text descriptions of artworks I put up here as well as some normal blog entries with my thoughts about art, life, and unbreakable comb technology.

This blog will be so popular that even grandma will put down the Wii-mote and tune in.


Saturday, October 6, 2007


painza, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

fresh hot peeksa

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Skoodle Dump

*Selected doodles and sketches.

*(selected for extra suckyness)

if these links don't work please let me know.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Have a Very Metal B-day

metalbdayhop, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.



wingwarrior, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


3arts_redo, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i dint'nt mean to post ignore this sorry.

Monday, September 24, 2007


waterlessvalley, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Illustration for Verdugo Monthly magazine.

Friday, September 21, 2007


sunpower_001, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

this is terrible. whatever.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


oop, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Quick lunchtime quickie type deal jeez cut me some slack bro.

The Dry Owl_bw

The Dry Owl_bw, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

It's an owl painting I made last night.

Black & White version. I don't know why I like to desaturate all my artwork I just do okay. maybe scientists can tell us someday.

The Dry Owl

The Dry Owl, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

It's an owl painting I made last night. Click it and win an iphone. is it "an iphone" or "a iphone"? I guess we'll never know.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

baby vaca_aged

babyvaca_aged, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

same painting but i tried to make it look like an old photo or something.

baby vaca

baby vaca, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

speedpainting from photo

Friday, September 14, 2007


building_up_a_monster, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


TodaysLunchSketch, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

I don't know I make this in "lunching hour"

king in a cage

kinginacage, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


howthewestwas, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Did this on a long lunchbreak today at work.

Monday, September 10, 2007


swimmer01, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Monday, September 3, 2007


treet, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Friday, August 31, 2007


giraff, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


liond_po, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


trafficcones, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Migration of the traffic cones.

mantis panty

sharmhh, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


gps, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Monday, August 20, 2007


study, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.


blondie, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


warmachine, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

Ultimate destruction warbot Ultimate destruction warbot Ultimate destruction warbot Ultimate destruction warbot

Monday, July 30, 2007


valuegirl, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.

missing something

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


sandy, originally uploaded by Sho Nuff.